Solstice Physical THerapy


Pain Managment

Solstice Physical Therapists are experts in treating pain with nonpharmacologic therapy and nonopioid means. This is because we treat the root cause of your pain, and not mask the symptoms. Studies show that seeking care from a doctor of physical therapy (DPT) before a medical doctor (MD) for many conditions can result in decreased cost, time, pain, and improved quality of life without the use of opioids or surgery.

We pride ourselves on getting you back to feeling better faster, with a wide variety of therapeutic interventions.

Chronic Conditions

At Solstice Physical Therapy, our unique skill set and holistic approach to assessment and treatment provides patients with results they have not been able to find elsewhere. A large majority of our patients find us through word-of-mouth referral after becoming disappointed with the traditional medical model. Dr. Lisa is accomplished in restoring pain-free movement and improved functions in those who have exhausted Western medicine’s approach to their chronic condition.